March 25, 2025

➣Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg & Unalienable Rights


Unalienable Rights: rights endowed by God, of which no government may claim dominion, nor abridge ~ these fundamental rights are inherent to every human being & are unbreakable.

So many Liberals use the advent of the Civil War to spite the unalienable rights attained, falsely claiming that “the States were to blame for slavery & therefore must not be granted authority to govern,” with no regard for the Tenth Amendment.

These same Democrats whimsically forget that slavery in America was not initiated by Americans, but by the King of England & his loyal noblemen, who ruled the American colonies with an iron fist. You will also seldom if ever hear these same panicked Democrats recall some of the first slaves in America, the religious slaves: the Irish Catholics (see pdf under the article). In fact, the very first slaves in America were taken from debtor’s jail in England and shipped to the colony of Georgia in the 1500s. Next, the King of England moved onto enslave the Irish after committing genocide in the 1600s. These remain inconvenient facts that the left-wing refuses to teach in today’s classroom because of their politically motivated end, to socialize American society by division.

On this day, let’s take the opportunity to remind our friends on the left of the past, in hopes of teaching & growing as a free people living in one nation, under God. And let us take the opportunity to pray for their enlightenment.

“Any people anywhere, being so inclined and having the power, have the right to rise-up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable – a most sacred right – a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world,”

Abraham Lincoln

Far from freedom-loving, socialists conveniently ignore the misled Federal Government’s role in slavery, while so often trying to usurp unalienable rights & self-government, replacing them with reliance on an ever-growing, clumsy Federal Government. Socialists seek utopia, and the dependence it offers to an omnipotent central governor, ruler, or king. For them, bigger government is always the best possible answer.

However, the misled Federal Government allowed the State Governments the authority to govern over the unalienable, equal & human right to “Life, Liberty & Pursuit.”

It was the Federal Government, led by Democrat Andrew Jackson, that allowed for the expansion of slavery. It was also the Federal Courts, led by Democrats, who decided against the unalienable rights of Dred Scott, an enslaved man & his wife who were living in a free-state, in Dred Scott vs Sandford.

Democrats also passed the Missouri Compromise, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and even passed the Black Codes & Jim Crow Laws. Liberal Democrats opposed the Emancipation Proclamation, and opposed the 13th, 14th & 15th Amendments. Democrats voted against the Anti-Lynching Laws & opposed the KKK Act of 1871, outlawing the Klan.

Much like today with their “anti-life” argument, the misled Democrats denied that Dred Scott was even human & therefore had no equal rights. To them he was inferior and relied on another to possess rights over him. Democrats further excused their convenient inequity by asserting “equal human rights did not pertain to states or territories that didn’t exist prior to the Constitution being conceived.”

Democrats opposed Civil Rights from their very first introduction by Republicans in 1866. Democrats voted against Civil Rights Act of 1875 & passed the Repeal Act of 1894, revoking the civil rights already passed by the GOP.

Throughout the late 1800s & early 1900s Republicans founded dozens of historically Black Colleges & Universities. And as Republicans began teaching black students, they had to fight the Klan to provide a decent education (How Notre Dame Defeated the Klan). It is also well known that Republicans founded the NAACP in 1909 and yes, Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican.

On the other hand, self-avowed Socialist Democrat Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1922. Sanger then quickly launched an astonishingly evil program called, “The Negro Project.” Planned Parenthood’s ultimate goal was the elimination of the masses, especially what she called “society’s undesirables.”

“If by the mere force of numbers a majority should deprive a minority of any clearly written constitutional right, it might, in a moral point of view, justify revolution,”

Abraham Lincoln

Sanger, an atheist practitioner of eugenics & infanticide, targeted “the disabled, the black people, Latinos, Jews & Catholics” with coerced abortions, because SHE deemed them “anti-social.” In her moral capacity, Sanger also thought forced abortion was acceptable and promoted it be progressively funded by the Federal Government, once again reinforcing the Democrat’s history of inequity & separation. Some accurately refer to Sanger’s “anti-life” beliefs as genocidal.

It was the “father of the progressive movement,” Woodrow Wilson—a Democrat—who was responsible for re-segregating the United States military. The military was desegregated during the Civil War by Republicans (See the Fighting 69th NYSM Irish Brigade). As result of Wilson, the military remained segregated until after World War 2 (a salute to the Tuskegee Airmen), with the fourth & final term of Progressive Democrat, Franklin Roosevelt (Note: the military was indeed segregated during FDR’s reign and WW2).

It took a Republican President to finally desegregate the American education system. General Dwight Eisenhower not only led the invasion of D-Day during World War 2, liberating the French from the National Socialist (NAZIS), but Eisenhower also ordered the National Guard to integrate schools. The Republicans once again reinforced the notion that “all humans are Created Equal.”

“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it,”

Abraham Lincoln

Progressives, however, supported the school board of Topeka, Kansas in Brown vs the Board of Education. And led by Democrats John F. Kennedy & Lyndon Baines Johnson, the Liberals filibustered and voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1957.  Democrats then opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1960.

In fact, after filibustering it, more Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than did Republicans, including: Al Gore Sr, William Fulbright (Bill Clinton’s mentor) and former Klan recruiter, Senator Robert Byrd. Only six Republican opposed it, while sixty-four Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And contrary to Liberal belief, sixty-one of the sixty-four Democrats opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not switch parties. After opposing Civil Rights, Democrats remained Democrat (like Gore Sr, Fulbright, Byrd etc)

Finally, the Republicans also passed the Civil Rights Act of 1991.

On this day, it has been 150 years since the great battle to end all battles. One can plainly understand that the Federal Government, with the Supreme Court at its helm, has reverted to the days of Dred Scott. It carelessly tramples over the Unalienable Rights of all humans. The careless Supreme Court also ignores the “equal treatment under the law clause” while engaging in the folly of political activism.

Whether the topic be the Federal Government redefining matrimony (contrary to the first amendment, and the “not-so separation clause”) or the government promoting the slaughter of the innocent (mandating sin); one can plainly understand that the people’s Unalienable Rights are at best in jeopardy, and more than likely non-existent.

Especially with Obamacare, the federal government now possesses our inherent rights over us: not only over innocent babies, but also over adults. If children have no rights, then does the eighty year old cancer patient have rights, when government is holding their healthcare purse-strings over them? Obamacare features death panels (“ethical meetings”) where hospital administrators chart the course of care & medical procedures without patient consent, resulting in life & death consequence.

The Founding documents do not quantify or limit the Right to Life based on age. At what age does a human being forfeit their right to life? It’s an absurd notion, especially given “equal treatment under the law.” If the Founders had quantified Unalienable Rights, then the Right to Liberty could also be quantified & done away with as well.

Abraham Lincoln, the Great Re-Founder, responsible for the 14th Amendment, understood that life is not a government creation, and government (quite naturally) cannot cross the line over into that which God has endowed each human, starting with the Right to Life: the most basic & fundamental of all human rights. After all, what good are any other civil rights, if you’re not alive?

The Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1 states, “NO state may deprive ANY person of the unalienable right to life.”

Consider the three golden rules enshrined in our Declaration of Independence: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness are granted us by God (the Creator) alone. The three are interconnected. If one right does not exist, then none of them exists. If you take a life, you lose your own right to life, liberty & pursuit — what we call, “independence.” The Declaration also denotes the “laws of nature and of nature’s God,” meaning you are indeed free, but also restrained by moral law, which in this country are based on Judeo-Christian ethics.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It would be totally inadequate to govern any other,”

John Adams (Second President of the United States of America)

If the Federal Government “cannot govern with morality,” as socialists often assert, then the Federal Government cannot “spread the wealth around,” using a fraudulent moral argument to disguise the immorality of envy & theft. “Charity” is not a tax, and forced charity is tyranny. If the Federal Government cannot act on morality & justice for all, then the American Civil War would have never been waged, with Unalienable Rights attained.

America’s reliance on God-given rights & equal treatment under the law led a nation to end slavery on its own, for the first time in human history. Unalienable Rights provide the bedrock of freedom for all, without qualification or quantification. You do not have to meet a minimum standard for these rights. Instead, you are created equally with them already intact. Unalienable Rights are naturally inherent to all.

Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America & Father of the Republican Party:

The Gettysburg Address

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives, that, that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract.

The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here, have thus far, so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead, we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve, that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Below is a playlist of the extended, directors cut of the movie, “Gettysburg” & underneath is a tribute to the little known, segregated battalion of the Union Army known as the Irish Brigade (the Fighting Irish) who secured Little Round Top, held off Confederate General Pickett’s Charge and turned the Battle of Gettysburg into a victory for the United States of America.

Having met the Fighting 69th NYSM on the battlefield earlier, during an unprecedented five charges at the Battle of Fredericksburg, where the Irish Brigade suffered horrendous losses against insurmountable odds, George Pickett (of the famous Pickett’s Charge) wrote his fiancée:

“Your soldier’s heart almost stood still as he watched those Sons of Erin fearlessly rush to their death.  The brilliant assault on Mary’s Heights of their Irish Brigade was beyond description. Why, my darling, we forgot they were fighting us, and cheer after cheer at their fearlessness went-up, all along our lines.”

General George Pickett

The Fighting Irish never lost a single battle flag during the war. In the video, Notre Dame pays tribute to Father Corby, a priest & professor who volunteered & became Army Chaplain to the 88th Irish Brigade.

Pictured here is Fr. Corby being memorialized at Gettysburg with a statue in 1910. He is blessing the United States Army with absolution just before overcoming unparalleled odds, taking Little Round Top & holding off General Pickett, thus making a giant leap toward re-securing the Unalienable and Equal Right of all humans to “Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness.”

Originally published on July 4th, 2013 in memory of the Battle of Gettysburg and re-release in honor of the 158th Year Anniversary of President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, one of the most famous speeches in American History.


Listen to Conservative Report Radio with Reverend CL Bryant, producer of, “Runaway Slave – The Movie,” and K Carl Smith, author of “Frederick Douglass Republicans.”

A History of England’s Irish Catholic Slavery In America and throughout the world by Dr. Robert West, Illinois PEC State Director

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