March 25, 2025

➣ America Rising: Establishment Parties in Civil War

With the recent events of the Republican Party ~ as misled by do-nothing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ~ Conservative Report re-launches during a mass-exodus of McConnell-RINOs: those fumbling for their quickly-imploding power over the “GOP future,” as the pressure of an astute public collapses in on them.

Those to have announced their departure from the Mitch McConnell reign-of-RINOs within the Republican Party? Senator Jeff Flake (AZ), Senator Bob Corker (TN), and Senator Susan Collins (ME). They are three main parts composing McConnell’s ever-shrinking establishment core.

The Democrat Party is also in a full-blown meltdown mode of their own, over the recent revelations of Senator Al Franken’s sexual-abuse of a sleeping-while-enroute to a USO event, Leann Tweeden. Coupled with the shocking slam by Senator Kristin Gillibrand of Bill Clinton, his many-many sexual transgressions, and the Democrat’s willful defense of both he and Hillary Clinton over the decades; it is practically required that the Republican Party accomplish a bit of its own house-cleaning, too.

Perhaps it is all too fitting to reclaim our future of hope-in-freedom today: the 154th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

Below is a recap of the 2014 Conservative Midterm Wave victory, giving Mitch McConnell his current and soon to be, ex-title. The main issue of the campaign was of course two fold: Repealing ObamaCare, and stopping al-Qaeda and ISIS from its genocidal attacks against Christians (now officially recognized by the United Nations, and reported across the internet).

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