December 21, 2024

Conservative Report Radio

Conservative Report Radio

2014 in Review: Anonymous Daze in Court, McConnell Hijacks Conservative Wave, Invents GOP-care

Freedom Agenda

  • Tax Reform, Health Care Reform, Domestic Energy Production & Education Reform


The Common Defense and Domestic Energy

  • Preserving, protecting & defending the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
  • Free Market economics for lower unemployment rate, more freedom, and a strong country.

With Pat Read and Keith Rogers

Defunding Planned *Parenthood, Rejecting Gov’t Run Religion, New GOP Speaker

With Pat Read

  • 1st Amendment: “Shall make NO law respecting the establishment of religion, NOR prohibit the free exercise thereof…”
  • 14th Amendment: “NO State shall deny ANY PERSON the Right to Life… nor deny ANY person equal protection…”
  • A new GOP Speaker: no taxation without representation

Democrats Attack Christians as ISIS Beheads Them, Armed by Obama 

With Pat Read and Keith Rogers

  • Detailing how Obama armed the militant rise of radical Islamic terrorists of the “Arab Spring”, including jihadists in Egypt, Benghazi & Syria.
  • Hardcore Liberals attack Christianity at home while ISIS commits genocide against Christians across the Middle East.