March 6, 2025

➣ Hillary & Kamala Silent on Killer Cuomo Amid Investigations

What a flurry of recent events now facing the embroiled Governor of New York. After NY Attorney General Letitia James found that Andrew Cuomo lied about how many elderly patients died in nursing homes (result of his abusive mandates) the New York Legislature stripped Cuomo of his Executive Order authority ~ abusively & illegally attempting to legislate from the executive branch. What a great idea!

In addition to the AG investigation, the FBI announced that it’s also investigating the death toll in New York result of life-endangering Covid-mandates. The same event & same mandates were reported in Michigan & New Jersey, among other states. It’s a small post-covid world.

NYS AG James then opened a second investigation ~ along with the NYPD ~ into Andrew Cuomo for sexual assault & sexual harassment. These cases feature at least ten victims, and each with supporting evidence: from text messages, to emails, to social media messages & their own statements.

Yesterday ~ the terrific trifecta ~ as AG James announced a third investigation into Cuomo’s corrupt activity. The complaint was forwarded to the Ethics Committee in less time than it takes to read a surname search-result! The swift justice happening in New York would make Michael Voris (of Church Militant) proud. Who knew cleaning house would be so easy! This time, the investigation focuses on medical-cronyism. Cuomo gave his own family medical preference in Covid-testing & treatment, as if he’s physician-enough to do so.

High level HHS Officials in New York said they’ve “directly treated some of the Cuomo family members, not just once, but several times.” Somehow, the Cuomos have a medical predisposition for immediate care? A priority case given to the Cuomo family, alone? Segregated from the rest of the population? Despite how grave another case might’ve been? Cuomo used state resources to turn a profit for himself, those in his administration & their donors. He then took-care of his own family, instead of using public resources to care for those actually paying the bill. Call it what it is ~ criminal behavior, and a corrupt environment.

NYS AG James initially stated that the nursing home death toll was nearly 14,000 ~ almost doubling the amount that the Cuomo administration first amended, then reported as 8,000 elderly dead. Over the summer, the Case Fatality Rate of Covid for those “70 years or older” in New York was 25,000 total. The CDC doesn’t track how many died at home, in the hospital, or in a retirement home.

How many died as result of Cuomo’s order for hospitals to “only treat Covid-patients,” deterring life saving treatment to those afflicted by other deadly disease? How many more New Yorkers died result of Cuomo’s abusive orders for ambulatory-services to “only transport Covid-patients to hospitals?” Consider the amount of people dying from heart attacks, or a lack of cancer treatment. The total number lost due to the abusive mandates, those made by micro-managers & urban-engineers, will assuredly skyrocket.

The more & more people died, the less & the less scientific-proof supported Andrew Cuomo’s rule by fiat. If the mask actually worked, and could block a virus (like some mistake that it does) then there wouldn’t be such a high fatality rate. After all, we wore the mask. The spread would have ended a year ago: if only the mask and its accompanying lockdown actually worked. Further, the CDC never advised any governor to place Covid-infected patients into senior centers or assisted living facilities.

The word “investigation” began to circulate around Albany, and it became clear that answers would be forthcoming. At this point, the NYS Director of HHS even resigned her post. She left the Cuomo Administration, and will probably be called as a witness for direct testimony. She was the HHS Director that Cuomo was trying to throw under the bus, after his excuse for following the CDC fell apart. Eight other NYS HHS officials left the department since last February. It seems like things have never been worse in New York, and then this past week, it really hit the fan.

Not given time to swoon the media back into support, the Emmy Award winning governor was then nailed by a staggering lot of sexual assault & sexual harassment charges. To be clear, these women are not veritable strangers to Governor Cuomo. Many of them are former aides, secretaries and even some journalists. A veritable storm of professional ladies began flooding the media with allegations perpetrated by the now much-maligned Governor.

You might think that one or two affairs could be managed, after all, Bill Clinton practically made political-misogyny a trend. No such luck for Killer Cuomo. One victim was notably younger in age, and claimed Cuomo called her to the Governor’s mansion, where he confronted her, reaching up her blouse & groping her chest. Another said that she had to leave journalism over her Cuomo ordeal, noting employee pressure & bullying from the governor’s office. Another victim is Alyssa McGrath, who directly worked for Cuomo. She said he used to talk Italian to her, make inappropriate comments & ogle over her body. I don’t know how the Governor’s live-in girlfriend will feel when confronted with evidence, but McGrath says she has text messages, emails and social media messages ~ documenting her claim.

New York politicians have denounced Andrew Cuomo, far and wide. NY State Senator Chuck Schumer said Cuomo should resign. Representatives Gillibrand, Maloney & Ocasio Cortez each say Cuomo should go. His own State Attorney General has three open investigations on Cuomo. The Democrat-led State Legislature has stripped him of his executive privileges. They even introduced impeachment proceedings against Cuomo. It’s a little late in the game to allow Cuomo’s abuse to go unacknowledged ~ as most admit is now clear, along with the sheer hypocrisy of those remaining silent on the very public case.

Where is the former Senator from New York, turned 2016 Presidential candidate, on the matter of Andrew Cuomo? Is Hillary Clinton leading the charge for women in the workplace? “What happens in New York will happen in each state,” proudly exclaimed Governor Cuomo, last spring. And indeed, other abusive state governors are under investigation too.

Where is the Me-Too Vice President on the national issue revolving around Governor Cuomo in New York State? Anything from Kamala Harris about government legislating via abusive Executive Orders? What about the sexual assault that she used to challenge from the campaign trail? The silence of some Democrats is deafening. One thing that is clear: the time for ruling by mandate has thankfully come to an end. Or at least, should be ending… soon.

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