March 25, 2025

➣ Rush Limbaugh: Good & Faithful Servant, 1/12/1951 – 2/17/2021

We all expected this day. We knew it was coming, but if anyone could beat it back, it would be Rush Limbaugh: El Rushbo, the Maha Rushie, the Harmless Fuzzball, the Christian Conservative & American Patriot with no quit in his vocabulary. No matter how many times the angry-left tried & failed to cancel him, Rush Limbaugh died while doing what he loved: hosting his radio show, entertaining the country, informing his audience, and irking the ever-living-hell out of angry left-wing radicals, everywhere.

On a day that my youngest daughter finally returned to school, after “ordered closed” last August by our dictator-democrat in his abusive response to the great Covid-SCAMdemic, I was suddenly struck with the sad news. Rush Limbaugh slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God, finally succumbing to stage four lung cancer: a battle he’d been waging & pushing-back since first discovered a year ago this month, in the late winter of 2020.

Rush started his broadcast-career in 1971 after leaving college and earning a position with a small radio station in Pennsylvania. He experienced many set-backs, and jumped-around from station to station, searching for his break-out moment. Rush was a top-forties deejay, a morning news guy, and even tried his hand in sales before finally getting a chance to just be himself. Rush Hudson Limbaugh started with using his real name, and in 1984 he was hired to replace “Morton Downey Jr” on KFBK in Sacramento, one who was also known to buck the out of control establishment. He aired for four years, talking about current events within the body politick, and how it all related to American history, and We the People.

When Ronald Reagan finally dispersed of the far-left-wing media decree called “the Fairness Doctrine,” which was enacted by the FCC in 1949 under Truman as a means of holding power over free speech, the first break-out Conservative to grace the American public was Rush Limbaugh. El Rushbo!

He made his first ABC Radio broadcast just after the Democrat National Convention in 1987 ~ right before the Republican National Convention. He went live atop the ivory tower of New York City, and did so from the golden microphone of the EIB Network. At the time, I was living with my parents in central New York as an 18 year-old kid, and had already enlisted in the US Air Force. I was waiting to go to basic training, and remember listening to some of his very first broadcasts. My mother & father (rest in peace) had me hooked-on Rush from 1989 going forward.

Ft. Collins, Colorado

I listened to Rush for years while in the Air Force. I listened to Rush while attending the many “Rush Hour diners” in town, where patriots would pack inside of restaurants, spread out across the fruited plains, and watch the re-airing of the Rush Limbaugh Television Show as presented by NBC. I listened to Rush teach an entire country about financial responsibility using Dan’s Bake Sale,” a man who couldn’t afford to buy the Limbaugh Letter, so held a bake sale that 75,000 people wound up attending ~ all at the behest of Rush Limbaugh. It was the very first Tea Party, and was done in the rain while wearing a power-tie!

Trying but failing for years & years, I wanted to tell Rush how much he effected my life. How inspiring he was to his listeners: always demanding people never surrender, no matter how many set-backs. To always to pursue their dreams, and to keep pursuing excellence, always reminding his audience what a great country America is for all mankind. Rush reminded us how hard our forefathers fought to make America a country where freedom would endure for all mankind ~ not just some, as deemed noble enough to dominate any other. I was finally fortunate enough to reach him a few times during the Obama years, the same kind of years being enacted on America, once again.

The last time he appeared on his radio show was February 2, 2021 ~ just a couple of weeks ago. Here is a link to his final show where Rush challenges the dictator democrats for their sheer abuse of power of we, the little people, whose jobs have been crushed, along with our churches, and our very freedom.

You can still join the Rush Limbaugh website, and enjoy his past shows. There is a lot to re-learn, and teach those around us, some for the first time. Here is a link to his best-selling children’s series, Rush Revere with his brave horse, Liberty. I recommend following the directions on the website for purchase information, starting with Barnes & Nobles. There is still merchandise available on the Rush Limbaugh website, but you might want to act fast if you want to purchase any. I’m already in on some of the golf shirts & hats. His first book, The Way Things Ought to Be re-established the market for conservative authors. He followed the best-selling feature with another: See, I Told You So. And his children’s series box set is The Further Adventures of Rush Revere. He was always full of optimism, offering hope to any with the courage enough to attain their dreams. He was always full of patriotism, and loved his country ~ which is why those who hate America despise him.

Some Democrats still don’t get it. We understand that they hate Rush Limbaugh, and I’m sure their absolute hate is on full display for everyone in America to absorb & consider. Is that kind of hate representative of you  & your best interests? Rush Limbaugh admired freedom. He loved his country, and taught his listeners to become critical thinkers ~ to not just go along to get along. The conservative juggernaut mentored an entire country full of listeners. While some may revel at his death, mistaking an end to “right wing republicanism” of years gone by, there are couple of truths being ignored.

Just as a reminder. Truth number one: conservatism doesn’t typically feature a lot of change. What was considered conservative 35 years ago is still considered conservative today. It would appear as though some in the ranks need to re-evaluate the term, “conservative.” Another truth that the left ignores is the only truth that matters: Rush was a Christian, and as Christians we believe in eternal life. When you feel down & out, missing a loved one, always remember, we find resurrection & life eternal with Jesus Christ: our savior and our king. There is no death for those who follow “the way, the truth & the life.” Thank you Rush, for all the good & faithful service you provided America, and for the world.

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